Blue Hill Art & Cultural Center

November 12, 2022
Open to the Public 2:00 - 5:00

     2:00 -View the Show

     3:00 - Art Talk

     4:00 - Reception and announcement of Award Recipient Finalists for Marjorie Strider Foundation

​Admission:  Free
    Contributions to the Marjorie Strider Foundation are welcome.​

Problems and Solutions; best practices in handling an artist’s estate to maximize the long term legacy and unique asset value.

Barbara J. Sussman, Curator of Blue Hill, Visual Artist, AM, American Society of Appraisers, 
Co-Executor Sidney Simon, Fine Art Appraiser and Art Consultant

Guest Speakers:
Michael Klein, Art Critic, Art Dealer, Broker for Robert Mallary, (1917-1999) ​
James McElhinney, Visual Artist, Author, Fine Arts Appraiser, Appraisers Association of America, Consultant for artist’s estates: Sideo Frombolulti (1920-2014), Nora Speyer (1923), and
Martin   Lyons (1923-1995)
Ellen Epstein, ASA, FRICS, AAA Fine Arts Appraiser, American Society of Appraisers, Catalogue Raisonne Committee for Robert Arthur Goodnough (1917-2010)
Stephen & Martin Melzer, Melzer & Co., Inc. CPA specialists in artist’s estates


Sidney Simon
Sideo Frombolulti
Nora Speyer
Jene Highstein
Robert Lyons
Robert Mallary
Fred Schwartz                                                                                                                                                    

Madeline Schwartz
Paul Tappenden
Marjorie Strider
Robert Goodnough
Lorrie Goulet

Art of Art Collecting

Presented by Curator Barbara J. Sussman
September 17, 2022
Open to the public 1:00pm



Improvisions / Creative Expression
The Gift

​*A walking tour with the curator for the current exhibitions